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Residents share: the best ‘dad’ advice they’ve received

In recognition of Fathers Day, and all of the wonderful fathers and father figures in our lives, we thought we’d ask our residents to share the best ‘dad wisdom’ they’ve collected over the years. Some were sage words to live by, some gave us a good laugh, and would have brought back some wonderful memories – and all were a window into that unique relationship we all have with our dads.

Here are the words of wisdom our residents shared with us:

Don’t  worry about those things over which you have no control.

Linda Sindel, Hayville Retirement Community

His best response was silence. It speaks volumes.

Elinor Morison, Hayville Retirement Community

Follow his example – work hard, respect those around you.

John, Upper Mt Gravatt Aged Care Residence

Look after your health. Be kind to those around you.

George, Upper Mt Gravatt Aged Care Residence

Behave yourself.

Gordon, Upper Mt Gravatt Aged Care Residence

Love each other and all those around you.

Greg, Upper Mt Gravatt Aged Care Residence

The residents from Hastings Point Retirement Community shared these short-but-sweet gems:

  • “Never go anywhere without your rightful partner. You will get caught!”
  • “You need to work hard in life.”
  • “Measure twice cut once.”
  • “Don’t end up like me.”
  • “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.”
  • “Any advice I received from my father was the best advice!”
  • “Great role model, appreciated more now that I am similar age!!”
  • “Never lend your car or your wife!”

And, finally, this wonderful childhood anecdote:

When I was a little girl, I had been throwing a tantrum and been sent to my room to think about it and settle down. My dad came in and tried to comfort me, but I was still angry and wouldn’t let him cuddle me. Dad looked at me for a few minutes and then said something I have never forgotten.  “Brenda” he said, “I’m going to read you a story,” and he left the room.

He came back with a book of Henry Lawson’s Complete Prose and said, “This is a story I want you to remember whenever you are angry”. He then read to me the story – “When the Sun Goes Down”.  It is about two brothers working a gold claim in the Gold Rush days and I have never forgotten it. I have also never forgotten my father’s final comment: “Brenda, the moral of this story is, “Never let the sun go down upon your wrath!”

“I think that this may well be the best gift I ever received. Over the years I have had many occasions to act on this advice and have also re-read the story on more than one occasion. If you haven’t read this story, it is well worth doing so now, and it is a salutary reminder that we should always take the opportunity to say “Sorry”, because tomorrow may well be too late.

Brenda Bacon from Hayville Retirement Community

Thanks to our residents who have generously shared their memories and great words of wisdom from their dads and other men in their lives. We hope all the dads and caregivers out there have a wonderful Fathers Day!